
We build Software, APIs and Tools that help you make positive impact in the world. The human potential to do good is limitless. To unleash this potential, we need technology that educates, enables and empower us. We endeavor to build technology that puts you in control.

Our Mission



Apps and resources that spread awareness on issues that matter.



Tools and APIs to enable individuals and businesses bring a positive change in the world.



Apps, Software and resources that empower people to make better choices with technology.

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New Age Technologies

We deploy cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain to create innovative solutions.

Scalable and Secure

We builds Apps that are highly scalable and secure. No matter how "Big" your Big Data gets, we got you covered.

Spirit of Open Source

When it comes to coding, collaboration is the key. We are committed to building open source technologies that help create a better future.